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J. vasc. bras ; 22: e20210181, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448590


Resumo Contexto O uso do endolaser para doença venosa crônica envolve a escolha do comprimento de onda, fibra óptica e energia dispensada. Sua eficácia é avaliada pela taxa de oclusão venosa e, a segurança, pelos efeitos colaterais. Objetivos Demonstrar a incidência de oclusões venosas totais de veias safenas pós-endolaser no seguimento de 1 ano. Descrever a incidência e os efeitos colaterais e a necessidade de reintervenção ou complemento da terapêutica no pós-operatório. Métodos Estudo observacional retrospectivo de uma coorte com abordagem quantitativa de pacientes com insuficiência das veias safenas tratados com laser ablação endovenosa de 1.470 nm. Dados cadastrados em planilha MS Excel 2019, com cálculos de médias e desvios padrão pelo suplemento Power Query do Software. Resultados Foram elegíveis para o estudo 38 pacientes e 104 segmentos venosos, dos quais 100% estavam ocluídos em 30 dias e 99,04% em 1 ano pós-procedimento. O Linear Endovenous Energy Density médio para safena interna foi de 2.040,52 W/cm/s com desvio padrão ± 1.510,06 W/cm/s e 1.168,4 W/cm/s com desvio padrão de ± 665,011 W/cm/s para safena externa. Dor no trajeto da safena foi o principal efeito colateral, com oito casos (21,05%), seguido de parestesia, com um caso (2,63%). Conclusões Taxa de oclusão total no seguimento de 1 ano sugerindo técnica promissora e com atual aplicabilidade na amostra. A incidência da dor e parestesia podem ser justificadas pela alta média de energia utilizada em alguns casos. Recomenda-se a realização de estudos multicêntricos, com amostras maiores e mais homogêneas em relação à classificação Clínica-Etiológica-Anatômica-Patológica.

Abstract Background Use of endolaser for chronic venous disease involves choosing the laser wavelength and optical fiber to use and the quantity of energy to be administered. Efficacy is assessed by the venous occlusion rate and safety is evaluated in terms of side effects. Objectives To determine the incidence of total post-endolaser saphenous vein occlusion at 1-year follow-up. To describe side effects and their incidence and rates of reintervention or supplementary treatment during the postoperative period. Methods A retrospective, observational cohort study with a quantitative approach, enrolling patients with saphenous vein incompetence treated with intravenous 1,470 nm laser ablation. Data were input to an MS Excel 2019 spreadsheet, calculating means and standard deviations with the software's Power Query supplement. Results 38 patients and 104 venous segments were eligible for the study. 100% were occluded at 30 days and 99.04% were still occluded at 1 year after the procedure. Mean Linear Endovenous Energy Density administered to the internal saphenous vein was 2,040.52 W/cm/s with standard deviation of ± 1,510.06 W/cm/s and 1,168.4 W/cm/s with standard deviation of ± 665.011 W/cm/s was administered to the external saphenous vein. Pain along the saphenous path was the most common side effect, with eight cases (21.05%), followed by one case of paresthesia (2.63%). Conclusions The total occlusion rate at 1-year follow-up suggests the technique is promising and is currently applicable in this sample. The incidence of pain and paresthesia may be caused by the high mean energy delivered in some cases. It is recommended that multicenter studies be conducted with larger and more uniform samples in terms of their Clinical-Etiological-Anatomical-Pathological classifications.

J. vasc. bras ; 22: e20220121, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440479


Resumo Contexto A veia safena interna é a principal veia superficial do membro inferior, sendo também a mais utilizada para cirurgias de enxerto arterial para revascularização de membros inferiores. O conhecimento prévio da qualidade da veia pode orientar a mudança da estratégia terapêutica, evitando cirurgias fadadas ao insucesso. Observou- se, com frequência, a discrepância entre achados intraoperatórios e exames de imagem. Objetivos Avaliar e comparar o calibre da veia safena interna através de dois métodos de imagem [ultrassonografia (USG) dúplex e angiotomografia computadorizada (angio TC)] e do padrão-ouro (medida no intraoperatório). Métodos Tratou-se de estudo prospectivo observacional. Os dados coletados foram obtidos dos procedimentos médicos de rotina realizados pela equipe de Cirurgia Vascular. Resultados Foram avaliados 41 pacientes, seguidos clinicamente por 12 meses, sendo 27 (65,8%) do sexo masculino, com média de idade de 65,37 anos. Dezenove (46,3%) pacientes foram submetidos a enxerto fêmoro-poplíteo, e 22 (53,7%) a enxertos distais. Os diâmetros da veia safena foram em média 16,4% menores na TC e 33,8% menores na USG, quando medidos em decúbito dorsal no pré-operatório, comparados ao diâmetro externo após dilatação hidrostática no intraoperatório. Não houve diferença estatística das medidas da cirurgia quando se comparou sexo, peso e altura. Conclusões A avaliação do calibre da veia safena foi subestimada pelos exames de USG e TC pré-operatórias com o paciente em decúbito dorsal, em relação à medida intraoperatória. Em pacientes em programação de enxerto para revascularização, a escolha do conduto deve levar esse dado em consideração para que não ocorra exclusão precipitada do uso da veia safena no planejamento.

Abstract Background The great saphenous vein is the major superficial vein of the lower limb, and also the most often used as arterial graft material for lower limb revascularization. Prior knowledge of the quality of the vein can guide choice of therapeutic strategy, avoiding surgery that is doomed to failure. Discrepancies between intraoperative findings of the quality of the great saphenous vein and imaging tests are also frequently observed. Objectives To evaluate the diameter of the great saphenous vein using two imaging methods (Duplex Ultrasound and Computed Tomography) and the gold-standard (intraoperative direct measurement of the vein), comparing the results. Methods Prospective, observational study of data obtained during routine medical procedures performed by the Vascular Surgery team. Results 41 patients were evaluated, with a 12-month follow-up. 27 (65.85%) were male and mean age was 65.37 years. 19 (46.34%) patients had femoropopliteal grafts and 22 (53.66%) had distal grafts. Preoperative saphenous vein internal diameters measured with the patient supine were on average 16.4% smaller on CT and 33.8% smaller on US than the external diameters measured after intraoperative hydrostatic dilatation. There were no statistical differences in measurements when sex, weight, and height were considered. Conclusions Saphenous vein diameters were underestimated by preoperative US and CT scans when compared to intraoperative measurements. Thus, in patients undergoing graft planning for revascularization, the choice of conduit should take this data into consideration, so that use of the saphenous vein is not ruled out unnecessarily during planning.

J. vasc. bras ; 21: e20220048, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405504


Resumo O tratamento da doença venosa crônica dos membros inferiores evoluiu de forma exponencial nas últimas décadas. Tais avanços permitiram o desenvolvimento de uma proposta de execução técnica sistematizada para o tratamento de ablação endovenosa com laser, a ablação térmica total assistida (ATTA). A técnica propõe um método padronizado de abordagem das veias axiais ou tributárias, varicosas ou inestéticas, de membros inferiores ou outros territórios, em regime ambulatorial ou de hospital-dia. Foram descritos os processos de preparo pré-operatório, marcação detalhada, materiais necessários, acessos venosos, anestesia, cálculo de potência e energia, a técnica de ablação, seguimento e eventos adversos. A ATTA é proposta como uma ferramenta para o tratamento da doença venosa crônica e das veias inestéticas, sugerindo possíveis expansões para as aplicações do laser, além dos troncos venosos, para toda veia passível de ser puncionada.

Abstract Treatment of lower limb chronic venous disease has progressed exponentially over recent decades. The advances achieved have made it possible to develop a proposal for a systematized intravenous laser ablation technique — assisted total thermal ablation (ATTA). The technique constitutes a standardized method for management of axial or tributary veins that are varicosed or esthetically unappealing, whether in the lower limbs or other areas, that can be performed on an outpatient or day-hospital basis. This article describes the processes for preoperative preparation and detailed marking, the materials needed, venous access, anesthesia, calculation of power and energy, the ablation technique itself, follow-up, and adverse events. The ATTA technique is proposed as a tool for treatment of chronic venous disease and of esthetically unappealing veins, suggesting possible extension of the applications for lasers beyond trunk veins to any vein that can be punctured.

J. vasc. bras ; 21: e20220019, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422032


Abstract Background Chronic venous insufficiency affects the lives of many people and therefore constitutes a public health problem. Knowledge of the drainage patterns of reflux from varicose veins secondary to incompetent saphenous veins is essential to define the best therapeutic management. Objectives To determine the reflux drainage patterns from varicose veins originating in incompetent GSV, the prevalence of perforating veins (PV), and their relationships with symptoms. Methods 55 ultrasound reports were analyzed to determine the drainage patterns of reflux from the GSV, location and diameter of PV drainage, and staging of symptoms. Results In 64% of the sample, reflux from varicose veins drained to PVs, in 4% reflux drained to the GSV itself, in another 4% drainage was to the small saphenous vein, and in 29% drainage was to varicose trunk veins in which no direct communication with the deep system could be identified. No associations were observed between symptoms and reflux drainage patterns or PV diameters. Conclusions For this sample, PVs were responsible for draining flow from varicose veins in 64% of cases. Neither PV diameters nor GSV reflux patterns were associated with severity of symptoms.

Resumo Introdução A insuficiência venosa crônica impacta a vida de muitas pessoas, constituindo-se, assim, como um problema de saúde pública. Conhecer o padrão de drenagem do refluxo das varizes associadas à veia safena incompetente é fundamental para definir a melhor programação terapêutica. Objetivos Determinar os padrões de drenagem do refluxo de varizes originadas da veia safena magna incompetente, a prevalência de veias perfurantes e a relação com os sintomas. Métodos Foram analisados 55 registros ultrassonográficos de pacientes com refluxo da veia safena magna para determinar padrões de drenagem do refluxo dessa veia, pontos de refluxo das varizes, localização e diâmetro das perfurantes de drenagem e graduação dos sintomas. Resultados O principal padrão de refluxo encontrado foi originado da junção safenofemoral com comprometimento proximal da veia safena magna. Em 64% dos pacientes, o refluxo das varizes drenou para veias perfurantes - 4% drenavam para a própria veia safena magna; em outros 4%, a drenagem era para a veia safena parva; e, em 29%, a drenavam destinava-se para varizes tronculares em que não se identificou comunicação direta com o sistema venoso profundo. Não foi observada associação dos sintomas com os padrões de drenagem do refluxo ou diâmetro das perfurantes. Conclusão Para essa amostra, as veias perfurantes foram responsáveis pelo escoamento do fluxo oriundo das varizes em 64% dos casos. O diâmetro das veias perfurantes e o padrão de refluxo da veia safena não estiveram associados à gravidade dos sintomas.

Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 50(4)dic. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1408765


RESUMEN Introducción: Los traumas de tórax con lesiones vasculares asociadas, empeoran el pronóstico de los pacientes debido a la hemorragia. El 80 % de todos los traumas vasculares afectan las extremidades y el 30 % se localizan en los miembros superiores. Poder utilizar los propios tejidos del paciente para su reparación, es una alternativa de tratamiento viable, y en ocasiones la única posible. Objetivo: Presentar un paciente con trauma de tórax, con lesiones vasculares, en quien se utilizó la vena safena para restaurar el daño en la arteria axilar y la técnica de tractotomía, por hemotórax masivo con lesión del parénquima pulmonar. Caso clínico: Paciente masculino de 32 años, con herida causada por arma de fuego a nivel del hombro y hemitórax derecho, que ocasionó lesión de arteria axilar derecha y hemotórax masivo. Se realizó toracotomía con tractotomía a nivel del lóbulo superior derecho y ligadura de la arteria intercostal; y se exploró la región axilar derecha para reparar el daño vascular. Conclusiones: Para tratar el traumatismo torácico penetrante con lesión pulmonar sangrante, se debe realizar una tractotomía pulmonar y hemostasia, para evitar los hematomas intraparenquimatosos. Ante una lesión de arteria axilar irreparable, la vena safena es una alternativa viable para su restauración y lograr la vitalidad de la extremidad.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Chest traumas with associated vascular lesions worsen the prognosis of patients due to hemorrhage. 80 % of all vascular traumas affect the extremities and 30 % are located in the upper limbs. Being able to use the patient's own tissues for repair is a viable treatment alternative, and sometimes the only possible one. Objective: To present a patient with chest trauma with vascular lesions, where the saphenous vein was used to restore the damage in the axillary artery and the tractotomy technique for massive hemothorax with lesion of the lung parenchyma. Clinical case: 32-year-old male patient with a gunshot wound to the shoulder and right hemithorax, which caused injury to the right axillary artery and massive hemothorax. A thoracotomy with tractotomy was performed at the level of the right upper lobe and ligation of the intercostal artery; and the right axillary region was explored to repair vascular damage. Conclusions: To treat penetrating chest trauma with bleeding lung injury, a pulmonary tractotomy and hemostasis should be performed to avoid intraparenchymal hematomas. Faced with an irreparable axillary artery injury, the saphenous vein is a viable alternative for its restoration and to achieve the vitality of the limb.

Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 50(1): e722, 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1289504


Introducción: Los traumatismos vasculares de los miembros son muy frecuentes en la actualidad, cuando no reciben la atención requerida, pueden evolucionar a complicaciones graves: pérdida del miembro y muerte del paciente. Objetivo: Describir la técnica de reparación de la arteria humeral mediante el uso de vena safena, en un caso con traumatismo de la arteria humeral, con compromiso vascular. Caso clínico: Paciente de 37 años de edad con antecedentes de enfermedad psiquiátrica, con diagnóstico de herida por arma blanca con compromiso vascular en antebrazo izquierdo, de cuatro horas de evolución. Al ingreso se encontraba inestable, con choque hipovolémico, miembro cianótico y ausencia de pulsos distales. Se indicó, por vía parenteral, antibióticos, soluciones cristaloides y sangre. En el quirófano se encontró sección de total de la arteria humeral, se realizó revascularización con injerto de vena safena invertida. El paciente evolucionó favorablemente y egresó al tercer día. Once meses después se realizó ecografía dópler y se constató buena permeabilidad del injerto. Conclusiones: La técnica de revascularización con vena safena invertida contribuyó de forma satisfactoria en la supervivencia y calidad de vida del paciente tratado (AU)

Introduction: The vascular traumatisms of the limbs are very frequent at present. When these injuries do not receive the required care they can evolve to serious complications, which includes the loss of the limb or death. Objective: To describe the brachial artery repair technique using the saphenous vein in a case with brachial artery trauma with vascular compromise. Clinical case: 37-year-old patient with a history of psychiatric illness, with a diagnosis of a stab wound with vascular compromise in the left forearm of four hours of evolution. On admission, he was unstable, hypovolemic shock, with cyanotic limb and absence of distal pulses. Intravenous antibiotics, crystalloid solution and blood were indicated. The patient was transferred to the surgery and a total section of the brachial artery was found. The revascularization technique was performed with an inverted saphenous vein graft. The patient evolved favorably and was discharged on the third day. Eleven months later, Doppler ultrasound was performed and good graft patency was confirmed. Conclusions: The inverted saphenous vein revascularization technique contributed satisfactorily to the survival and quality of life of the treated case(AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Wounds, Stab , Brachial Artery , Quality of Life , Wounds, Stab/complications , Forearm Injuries/surgery
J. vasc. bras ; 20: e20200172, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250244


Resumo Contexto Pacientes com doença venosa crônica avançada são mais propensos a exigir outros procedimentos para recidiva de veias varicosas. Ainda não está estabelecido se a gravidade da insuficiência venosa é um fator que influencia a taxa de oclusão de veias safenas tratadas por endolaser. Objetivos Analisar a taxa de oclusão dos segmentos venosos tratados com endolaser e correlacionar com o Venous Clinical Severity Score (VCSS) e a classificação Clínica-Etiológica-Anatômica-Patológica (CEAP) dos pacientes. Métodos Análise retrospectiva de coorte de pacientes operados com endolaser 1.470 nm entre novembro/2012 a março/2020. Foram realizadas estatística descritiva e curva de sobrevida de Kaplan-Meier com regressão de Cox para grupos de VCSS e CEAP. Resultados Foram analisados 170 pacientes e 180 segmentos venosos; a idade média foi de 44,3 ± 9,2, sendo a maioria do sexo feminino (71%). A densidade de energia média utilizada na veia safena magna foi 49,2 ± 8,3 J/cm. As principais complicações foram dor no trajeto da safena (12,2%) e parestesias após 6 meses (17,2%). Não houve diferença na taxa de oclusão venosa entre grupos com VCSS ≤ 7 e VCSS > 7 (p = 0,067). O grupo de pacientes com CEAP agrupada C4-C5-C6 teve taxa de oclusão menor em relação ao grupo C2-C3 [hazard ratio (HR) = 3,22; intervalo de confiança (IC) 1,85, 5,61; p = 0,001]. Conclusões As taxas de oclusão de segmentos venosos tratados com endolaser foram menores na presença de classificações CEAP avançadas. Nesses pacientes, provavelmente deve-se despender mais energia para o tratamento eficaz das safenas.

Abstract Background Patients with advanced chronic venous disease are more likely to need additional procedures for relapsed varicose veins. It has not yet been established whether severity of venous insufficiency is a factor that influences the occlusion rate of saphenous veins treated with endolasers. Objectives To analyze occlusion rate of venous segments treated with endolaser and correlate it with patients' Venous Clinical Severity Score (VCSS) and Clinical-Etiological-Anatomical-Pathological (CEAP) classification. Methods Retrospective analysis of a cohort of patients operated using a 1,470 nm endolaser from November 2012 to March 2020. Descriptive statistics were calculated and Kaplan-Meier survival curves were plotted with Cox regression for groups stratified by VCSS and CEAP. Results A total of 180 venous segments were analyzed in 170 patients. Mean age was 44.3 ± 9.2 and the majority of patients were female (71%). Mean energy density used in the great saphenous vein was 49.2 ± 8.3 J/cm. The most common complications were pain along the course of the saphenous vein (12.2%) and paresthesias at 6 months (17.2%). There was no difference in venous occlusion rate between groups with VCSS ≤ 7 and VCSS > 7 (p = 0.067). A group of patients classified as CEAP classes C4, C5, or C6 had a lower occlusion rate than a group at classes C2 or C3 (hazard ratio [HR] = 3.22; confidence interval [CI] 1.85, 5.61; p = 0.001]. Conclusions The occlusion rates of venous segments treated with endolaser were lower in patients with higher CEAP classes. It is probably necessary to use more energy in these patients to achieve effective treatment of saphenous veins.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Saphenous Vein/surgery , Varicose Veins/surgery , Laser Therapy , Venous Insufficiency/surgery , Retrospective Studies
Rev. guatemalteca cir ; 27(1): 69-74, 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIGCSA | ID: biblio-1373026


Las técnicas de termo ablación han revolucionado el tratamiento de la insuficiencia venosa crónica, siendo actualmente el estándar de tratamiento. Con el avance tecnológico han surgido nuevas técnicas quirúrgicas, no térmicas, no tumescentes; como el uso de cianocrilato para la oclusión venosa, el cual ha demostrado ser seguro y eficaz en el tratamiento, y tener menos complicaciones posoperatorias. Objetivo: Describir la experiencia en nuestro hospital con el uso de cianocrilato para la oclusión de vena safena mayor para el tratamiento de insuficiencia venosa crónica. Describir la eficacia a corto y mediano plazo del cierre, las complicaciones y la mejoría de la sintomatología utilizando el cuestionario CIVIQ-20 y EVA. Material y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo observacional. Entre enero y diciembre de 2019 que incluye a pacientes con insuficiencia de unión safeno femoral, sintomáticos. Con diagnóstico mediante clasificación CEAP y ultrasonido Doppler. Seguimiento clínico y ecográfico valorando oclusión de los segmentos tratados y presencia de venas varicosas a los 3 y 6 meses. Se trataron 5 pacientes con oclusión venosa con cianocrilato (100% mujeres). Valoramos la calidad de vida mediante cuestionario CIVIQ-20 y EVA (Escala Analógica Visual) previo y un mes después del procedimiento. También se describe la tasa de éxito y complicaciones inmediatas y tardías. Resultados: La totalidad de los procedimientos se realizaron con anestesia local, siendo bien tolerados. Con un éxito inmediato del 100 % sin necesidad de conversión. Solo se presentó como complicación urticaria en un paciente en el trayecto de la vena tratada con cianocrilato, la cual se trató con esteroides y resolvió. El CIVIQ-20 mostró mejoría global pasando de 35 a 29 puntos en promedio; siendo el parámetro de actividad física el que mostró una mejoría mayor. EVA demostró que la pesadez (principal síntoma) se redujo un 67%. Durante el seguimiento, ningún caso presento repermeabilización o recanalizaciones segmentarias. Conclusiones: El tratamiento endovenoso de la insuficiencia venosa crónica con las nuevas técnicas no térmicas, no tumescentes es seguro y efectivo. A corto-mediano plazo ofrecen resultados similares a las técnicas termoablativas obviando el inconveniente de la tumescencia y el uso de medias compresivas en el posoperatorio, evitando lesiones térmicas y observándose mejoría en la sintomatología. (AU)

Thermo ablation techniques have revolutionized the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency, being currently the standard of treatment. With technological advancement, new non-thermal, non-tumescent surgical techniques have emerged; such as the use of cyanoacrylate for venous occlusion, which has been shown to be safe and effective in treatment, and have fewer postoperative complications. Objective: To describe the experience in our hospital with the use of cyanoacrylate for occlusion of the greater saphenous vein for the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency. Describe the shortand medium-term efficacy of closure, complications, and symptom improvement using the CIVIQ-20 questionnaire and VAS. Material and methods: Retrospective observational study. Between January and December 2019 that includes patients with symptomatic saphenous femoral junction insufficiency. With diagnosis by CEAP classification and Doppler ultrasound. Clinical and ultrasound follow-up evaluating occlusion of the treated segments and the presence of varicose veins at 3 and 6 months. 5 patients with venous occlusion were treated with cyanoacrylate (100% women). We assessed the quality of life using the CIVIQ-20 questionnaire and VAS (Visual Analogue Scale) before and one month after the procedure. The immediate and late success rate and complications are also described. Results: All the procedures were performed under local anesthesia, being well tolerated. With immediate 100% success without the need for conversion. Urticaria only presented as a complication in a patient in the path of the vein treated with cyanoacrylate, which was treated with steroids and resolved. The CIVIQ-20 showed global improvement, going from 35 to 29 points on average; being the physical activity parameter the one that showed the greatest improvement. VAS showed that heaviness (main symptom) was reduced by 67%. During follow-up, no case presented segmental recanalization or recanalization. Conclusions: Endovenous treatment of chronic venous insufficiency with new non-thermal, non-tumescent techniques is safe and effective. In the short-medium term, they offer results similar to thermoablative techniques, avoiding the inconvenience of tumescence and the use of compression stockings in the postoperative period, avoiding thermal injuries and observing improvement in symptoms. (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Saphenous Vein/pathology , Venous Insufficiency/complications , Varicose Veins/drug therapy , Cyanoacrylates/administration & dosage , Ablation Techniques/trends , Radiofrequency Ablation/instrumentation
J. vasc. bras ; 20: e20200215, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287089


Resumo Contexto Na insuficiência venosa crônica (IVC), a veia safena parva (VSP) é afetada em 15% dos casos. A cirurgia convencional é a técnica padrão para o tratamento da insuficiência da VSP, sendo a lesão no nervo sural uma complicação bastante temida. O tratamento de termoablação com endolaser tende a ser um método cirúrgico que diminui complicações da terapia cirúrgica da IVC. Objetivos Avaliar os pacientes com IVC submetidos à terapia por endolaser da VSP ao menos 30 dias após o procedimento. Métodos Foram analisados 54 membros inferiores de 46 pacientes submetidos à terapia por endolaser 1470 nm, sob anestesia local, para o tratamento da IVC em um hospital terciário. Os pacientes foram avaliados no período pré-operatório, intraoperatório e pós-operatório de 30 dias, através da clínica, exame físico e achados ecográficos. Resultados Nos 54 membros inferiores submetidos ao tratamento, comparando-se o período pré-operatório e o 30º dia pós-operatório, houve diferença significativa (p < 0,003) na redução do diâmetro da VSP tratada (6,37 mm pré-operatório e 5,15 mm no 30º dia pós-operatório) (IC95% 4,58-5,72) e na melhora do escore de gravidade clínica venosa (VCSS) (média de 8,02 pré-operatório e 6,11 no 30º dia pós-operatório) (IC95% 5,01-7,21) (p < 0,02). Complicações pós-operatórias, como parestesia e flebite, estiveram presentes e foram diagnosticadas em cinco e três pacientes, respectivamente, sem significar alteração na qualidade de vida e nas atividades de rotina. Conclusões A técnica de termoablação com laser da VSP mostrou-se segura e eficaz na redução dos sintomas clínicos e na melhora da qualidade de vida.

Abstract Background The small saphenous vein (SSV) is affected in 15% of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) cases. Conventional surgery is the standard technique for treatment of SSV insufficiency, but sural nerve injury is a complication of great concern. Endovenous laser ablation is a surgical technique for treatment of CVI that is considered likely to reduce morbidity and mortality. Objectives To evaluate patients with CVI undergoing endovenous laser ablation of the SSV at least 30 days after the procedure. Methods We analyzed 54 lower extremities in 46 patients scheduled for 1470-nm endovenous laser ablation under local anesthesia to treat CVI in a tertiary hospital. Patients were evaluated preoperatively, intraoperatively, and postoperatively over 30 days with clinical examination, physical examination, and ultrasound. Results In the 54 lower extremities treated, there was a significant difference (p < 0.003) in terms of reduction in the diameter of treated veins (6.37 mm preoperatively and 5.15 mm on the 30th postoperative day) and improvement in the venous clinical severity score (VCSS) (means of 8.02 preoperative and 6.11 on the 30th postoperative day) (95%CI, 5.01—7.21) (p < 0.02). Postoperative complications such as paresthesia and phlebitis were present and diagnosed in 5 and 3 patients, respectively, but did not affect their quality of life or routine activities. Conclusions Intravenous laser ablation of the SSV proved to be safe and effective for reducing clinical symptoms and improving quality of life.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Venous Insufficiency/surgery , Endovascular Procedures/adverse effects , Postoperative Complications , Saphenous Vein , Sural Nerve/injuries , Chronic Disease , Retrospective Studies , Longitudinal Studies , Lower Extremity , Laser Therapy/methods , Anesthesia, Local
Rev. guatemalteca cir ; 27(1): 3-9, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIGCSA | ID: biblio-1359836


Introducción: Actualmente se prefieren procedimientos mínimamente invasivos como las técnicas endovasculares para el tratamiento de la insuficiencia de vena safena mayor que pueden ser por ablación térmica, química o mecánica. Éstos tienen la ventaja de ser ambulatorios, presentar menos complicaciones postoperatorias, una rápida incorporación laboral y mejores resultados estéticos. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar los resultados del tratamiento con radiofrecuencia versus crosectomía safenofemoral más oclusión endovascular distal. Material y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo prospectivo que incluyó a todos los pacientes con diagnóstico de insuficiencia de la vena safena mayor de enero 2017 a octubre 2019. La elección de la técnica a utilizar se hizo al azar. Resultados: El 77% correspondió al género femenino, con edad media 49 años, el estadío C:2 de la clasificación clíica CEAP fue la más frecuente (57%) y el shunt tipo 3 (63%). La ablación por radiofrecuencia se realizó con mayor frecuencia (83%). El dolor y parestesias (fueron las complicaciones más frecuentes en ambos grupos sin diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p = 0.1470). No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativo entre las dos técnicas quirúrgicas realizadas en resultado estético (p = 0.4456), el retorno de actividades cotidianas (p = 0.992) ni las laborales (p = 0.901). Conclusiones: Tanto la ablación por radiofrecuencia de la vena safena mayor como la crosectomía safenofemoral más oclusión endovascular distal se consideran dos métodos seguros y efectivos para tratar insuficiencia de vena safena mayor; ya que los resultados finales fueron similares para ambas técnicas quirúrgicas.

Introduction: Minimally invasive endovascular procedures like thermal, chemical or mechanical ablation are currently preferred for the treatment of the great saphenous vein insufficiency, because have the advantage of being outpatient, with minimal postoperative complications, a faster incorporation to work and better aesthetic results. This study persuit to evaluate the results of radiofrequency treatment versus sapheno-femoral crosectomy plus distal endovascular occlusion. Methods: The study included all the patients with a diagnosis of great saphenous vein insufficiency from January 2017 to October 2019. The technic was chosen randomly. Results: 77% of patients was female , with a mean age of 49 , the C2 stage of the CEAP classification is present in 57% and the type 3 shunt in 63%. Radiofrequency ablation was performed in 83% of the cases. Pain and paresthesia were the most frequent complications, without statistically signification between both technics (p = 0.1470). The aesthetic result, the return to daily activities (p = 0.992) and to work (p = 0.901) had not statistically significant differences between the two surgical techniques. Conclusions: Both, radiofrequency ablation of the greater saphenous vein and sapheno-femoral crosectomy plus distal endovascular occlusion are considered safe and effective methods to treat great saphenous vein insufficiency because the final results were similar for both surgical techniques.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Saphenous Vein/surgery , Venous Insufficiency/surgery , Endovascular Procedures/methods , Radiofrequency Ablation/methods , Postoperative Complications , Work , Activities of Daily Living , Prospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Endovascular Procedures/adverse effects , Radiofrequency Ablation/adverse effects
J. vasc. bras ; 20: e20190117, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279397


Resumo Contexto A veia safena magna é usada como material de remendo em vários tipos de reconstrução arterial, incluindo no trauma e endarterectomias de carótida e femoral. Houve relatos de ruptura do remendo de safena, particularmente de veias colhidas na região do tornozelo. Há uma necessidade de medição objetiva da resistência tecidual da safena magna. Objetivos Mensurar a força tensional suportada pela veia safena magna e analisar a correlação entre resistência e diâmetro da veia. Métodos As veias foram coletadas durante operações de safenectomia por varizes dos membros inferiores. Foram analisados apenas segmentos sem refluxo. Foram analisados 10 membros de oito pacientes, com um total de 20 espécimes. Os espécimes foram submetidos a ensaio de tração em equipamento eletrônico, obtendo-se os valores de tensão máxima do material em quilogramas-força por centímetro quadrado (kgf/cm2; força máxima dividida pela área de secção transversa do segmento submetido à tração). Resultados A tensão máxima suportada pela veia safena do tornozelo variou de 74,02 a 190,10 kgf/cm2, e a tensão máxima da veia safena da crossa variou de 13,53 a 69,45 kgf/cm2 (p < 0,0001). O coeficiente de correlação de Pearson entre o diâmetro da veia distendida e a tensão máxima suportada foram iguais a -0,852 (correlação inversa moderada a forte). Conclusões A resistência tecidual da veia safena magna do tornozelo é maior do que a da crossa em mulheres submetidas a operação de varizes; há correlação negativa entre o diâmetro da veia e sua resistência tecidual nessa mesma população.

Abstract Background The great saphenous vein is used as patch material in several types of arterial reconstruction, including trauma and carotid and femoral endarterectomy. There have been reports of saphenous patch blowout, particularly of patches constructed with veins harvested from the ankle. There is a need for objective measurement of the resistance of saphenous vein tissues. Objectives To measure the tensile strength of the great saphenous vein harvested at the ankle and groin and analyze the correlation between diameter and tissue strength. Methods Venous samples were harvested during elective saphenous stripping in patients with symptomatic varicose veins. Only segments without reflux were included. Ten limbs from eight patients were studied, providing 20 samples in total. Venous segments were opened along their longitudinal axis and fitted to electronic traction assay equipment to obtain values for material maximum tension in kilograms-force per square centimeter (kgf/cm2; the maximum force resisted by the segment, divided by its cross-sectional area). Results The average maximum tension in the ankle saphenous vein group ranged from 74.02 to 190.10 kgf/cm2 and from 13.53 to 69.45 kgf/cm2 in the groin saphenous vein group (p < 0.0001). The Pearson coefficient for the correlation between vein diameter and maximum tension was -0.852 (moderate to strong inverse correlation). Conclusions Ankle saphenous vein tissue from female patients operated for varicose veins has significantly higher resistance than saphenous vein tissue from the groin and there is an inverse relation between vein diameter and resistance of tissue from the same population.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Saphenous Vein/anatomy & histology , Tensile Strength , Saphenous Vein/injuries , Varicose Veins , Vascular System Injuries , Inguinal Canal/anatomy & histology , Ankle/anatomy & histology
J. vasc. bras ; 20: e20210029, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279396


Resumo Contexto Atualmente, recomenda-se como primeira opção cirúrgica de varizes a termoablação da veia safena; porém, esse procedimento não é realizado pelo Sistema Único de Saúde do Brasil. Como forma de incluir melhores resultados, técnicas cirúrgicas esforçam-se para mimetizar as novas tecnologias sem seus custos, sendo a principal delas a realização da safenectomia convencional sem ligadura das suas tributárias. Objetivos Avaliar a evolução do coto residual após safenectomia sem ligadura alta da junção safeno-femoral associada à invaginação do mesmo, assim como avaliar o comportamento das veias acessórias anterior/posterior. Métodos Estudo prospectivo e intervencionista. Foram operados 52 membros pela técnica de safenectomia sem ligadura alta da junção safeno-femoral seguida da invaginação do coto residual. Os pacientes foram avaliados no pré e pós-operatório (7 dias, 3, 6 e 12 meses) através de ultrassonografia vascular com Doppler para análise de diâmetro e extensão do coto residual, diâmetro e refluxo na veia acessória anterior/posterior e presença de neovascularização. A análise estatística foi realizada por média, desvio padrão, mediana, valor mínimo e máximo, frequências e percentuais, teste de Fisher e bimodal. Resultados Evidenciou-se um efeito significativo do tempo sobre a medida de diâmetro (p < 0,001) e da extensão (p = 0,002) do coto residual, porém o mesmo não foi observado quanto ao diâmetro (p = 0,355) ou refluxo na veia acessória anterior. Foi identificada neovascularização em 7 (14,3%) membros. Conclusões Após a utilização da técnica descrita, o coto residual apresentou retração e diminuição do seu diâmetro no período de 1 ano e não transmitiu refluxo para veia acessória. As taxas de neovascularização foram condizentes com a literatura.

Abstract Background Currently, the first-choice option recommended for varicose vein surgery is thermal ablation of the saphenous vein, but this procedure is not available on the Brazilian National Health Service (SUS - Sistema Único de Saúde). In an effort to improve results, surgical techniques have been developed to mimic the new technologies, without their high costs. The most prominent such method involves conventional saphenectomy, without ligation of tributaries. Objectives To assess progression of the residual stump after saphenectomy without high ligation of the saphenofemoral junction but with stump invagination and to assess the behavior of anterior/posterior accessory veins. Methods Prospective intervention study. A total of 52 limbs were treated with saphenectomy without high ligation of the saphenofemoral junction followed by invagination of the residual stump. Patients were assessed preoperatively and at 7 days, and 3, 6, and 12 months postoperatively using vascular ultrasonography with Doppler to analyze the length of the residual stump, the diameters of the residual stump and the anterior/posterior accessory vein, reflux in the accessory vein, and presence of neovascularization. Statistical analysis involved calculation of means, standard deviations, medians, minimum and maximum values, frequencies, and percentages, and Fisher's test and the binomial test. Results There was evidence of a significant time effect on residual stump diameter (p < 0.001) and length (p = 0.002), but the same was not observed with relation to diameter (p = 0.355) or reflux of the anterior accessory vein. Neovascularization was found in 7 (14.3%) limbs. Conclusions After use of the technique described, the residual stump retracted, its diameter reduced over the 1 year postoperative period, and it did not transfer reflux to the accessory vein. Neovascularization rates were in line with the literature.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Saphenous Vein/surgery , Vascular Surgical Procedures/methods , Venous Insufficiency/surgery , Postoperative Period , Varicose Veins/surgery , Prospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Neovascularization, Physiologic
J. vasc. bras ; 20: e20200064, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279367


Abstract Most patients with chronic venous disease (CVD) and reflux in the saphenous vein are treated with saphenous stripping or ablation. The venous hemodynamics approach offers the possibility of treating saphenous reflux without eliminating the saphenous vein. We present 2 cases in which venous reflux was eliminated while preserving the great saphenous vein, after treatment with hemodynamic sclerotherapy using a protocol of synergic use of Dextrose and long pulse Nd YAG 1064 laser. These cases show that treating the tributaries responsible for saphenous reflux can correct hemodynamic imbalances and restore normal flow in the great saphenous vein with improvements in symptoms and esthetics. Long-term results are still uncertain.

Resumo A maioria dos pacientes com insuficiência venosa crônica e refluxo na veia safena é tratada com retirada ou ablação da safena. A hemodinâmica venosa traz a possibilidade de tratar esses pacientes sem eliminar a veia safena. Nós apresentamos dois casos de refluxo parcial de veia safena magna resolvidos com escleroterapia hemodinâmica. Usamos um protocolo de uso sinergístico de glicose 75% e Nd-YAG laser 1064. Os casos nos mostram que o tratamento das tributárias pode corrigir o refluxo da veia safena e obter melhora clínica e cosmética. Os resultados de longo prazo ainda são incertos.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Venous Insufficiency/therapy , Sclerotherapy/methods , Saphenous Vein , Sclerotherapy/instrumentation , Hemodynamics , Lasers
Arq. bras. cardiol ; 115(3): 538-544, out. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1131322


Resumo Fundamento Os enxertos de veias safenas (EVS) são frequentemente usados em pacientes submetidos a cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio (CRM). Objetivos Avaliar as relações entre índices aterogênicos e estenose de EVS. Métodos: No total, 534 pacientes (27,7% mulheres, com idade média de 65±8,4 anos) submetidos a CRM e angiografia coronariana eletiva foram incluídos no estudo. Pacientes com pelo menos uma estenose EVS ≥50% foram alocados ao grupo estenose EVS (+) (n=259) e pacientes sem estenose foram classificados como EVS (-) (n=275). O índice aterogênico plasmático (IAP) e o coeficiente aterogênico (CA) foram calculados a partir dos parâmetros lipídicos de rotina dos pacientes. A significância foi estabelecida no nível p<0,05. Resultados O número de pacientes com histórico de hipertensão (HT), diabetes mellitus (DM), acidente vascular cerebral e insuficiência cardíaca (IC) se mostrou significativamente maior no grupo EVS (+) do que no grupo EVS (-). O colesterol total, triglicerídeos e colesterol LDL mostraram-se significativamente mais altos e o colesterol HDL mostrou-se menor no grupo EVS (+) do que no grupo EVS (-). IAP (p<0,001) e CA (p<0,001) apresentaram-se significativamente mais altos no grupo EVS (+) do que no grupo EVS (-). A análise ROC mostra que tanto o IAP quanto o CA mostraram-se melhores que o colesterol HDL, colesterol LDL e colesterol não HDL na predição de estenose de EVS. Na análise multivariada, histórico de DM, HT, acidente vascular cerebral, IC, número de enxertos de safena, colesterol HDL, colesterol LDL, colesterol não HDL, IAP e CA foram fatores de risco independentes para estenose de EVS. Conclusão O IAP e o CA foram preditores independentes de estenose de EVS. Além disso, tanto o IAP quanto o CA têm melhor desempenho na predição de estenose de EVS do que o colesterol LDL, colesterol HDL e colesterol não HDL. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2020; 115(3):538-544)

Abstract Background Saphenous vein grafts (SVG) are frequently used in patients that have undergone coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. Objectives: To evaluate the relationship between atherogenic indexes and SVG stenosis. Methods Altogether, 534 patients (27.7% women, mean age 65±8.4 years) that underwent CABG and elective coronary angiography were included in the study. Patients with at least one SVG stenosis ≥50% were allocated to the stenosis group SVG (+) (n=259) and patients without stenosis were categorized as SVG (-) (n=275). Atherogenic index of plasma (AIP) and atherogenic coefficient (AC) were calculated from the patients' routine lipid parameters. The level of significance was p<0.05. Results The number of patients with a history of hypertension (HT), diabetes mellitus (DM), stroke, and heart failure was significantly higher in the SVG (+) group than in the SVG (-) group. Total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-C were significantly higher and HDL-C was lower in the SVG (+) group than in the SVG (-) group. AIP (p<0.001) and AC (p<0.001) were significantly higher in the SVG (+) group than in the SVG (-) group. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis show that both AIP and AC were better than HDL-C, LDL-C and non-HDL-C at predicting SVG stenosis. In the multivariate analysis, history of DM, HT, stroke, heart failure (HF), number of saphenous grafts, HDL-C, LDL-C, non-HDL-C, AIP and AC were found to be independent risk factors for SVG stenosis. Conclusion AIP and AC were independent predictors of SVG stenosis. Moreover, both AIP and AC have better performance in predicting SVG stenosis than LDL-C, HDL-C and non-HDL-C. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2020; 115(3):538-544)

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Coronary Artery Disease/surgery , Coronary Artery Disease/diagnostic imaging , Transplants , Saphenous Vein/diagnostic imaging , Coronary Artery Bypass , Coronary Angiography , Constriction, Pathologic , Middle Aged
Int. j. morphol ; 38(1): 182-185, Feb. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056418


La proteína chaperona Calreticulina (CRT), ha sido identificada en retículo endoplásmico (RE) y últimamente en la matriz extracelular (MEC) de predentina y arterias, atribuyéndole diferentes funciones extracelulares entre las que destacan la adhesión celular, regulación de la MEC y prevención en la formación de trombos. El objetivo del estudio fue identificar la presencia de CRT en MEC de vena safena parva. Se extrajo una muestra de vena safena parva de un espécimen masculino y luego fue procesada por medios histológicos e inmunohistoquímicos para identificar su presencia. Mediante técnicas de inmunohistoquímica se pudo evidenciar la presencia de CRT en la MEC de la adventicia de vena safena parva. La presencia de CRT en MEC de safena parva orienta a que CRT tienen funciones de tipo extracelular en esta localización, pero es necesario realizar estudios más precisos para dilucidar sus principales funciones en la zona.

Calreticulin (CRT) protein, has been identified in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and lately in the extracellular matrix (ECM) of predentine and arteries. It is responsible for different extracellular functions, such as cell adhesion, ECM regulation, and the prevention of thrombosis. The aim was to identify the presence of CRT in ECM of small saphenous vein. A sample of small saphenous vein from a male specimen was extracted and then processed by histological and immunohistochemical assays to identify its presence. The presence of CRT in the ECM of the small saphenous vein was observed by immunohistochemical techniques. The presence of CRT in the small saphenous vein ECM, indicates that CRT have extracellular functions in this area, however, more precise studies are necessary to determine its main functions.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Saphenous Vein/metabolism , Calreticulin/metabolism , Immunohistochemistry
J. vasc. bras ; 18: e20190009, 2019. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020020


Mostra-se relevante a elucidação da influência da densidade de energia endovenosa linear (linear endovenous energy density, LEED) média no sucesso do tratamento da insuficiência venosa crônica por termoablação endovenosa a laser visando diminuir a morbidade desse método. Objetivos Avaliar a influência da LEED média na prevalência de fechamento das safenas após 30 dias do procedimento. Métodos Foram analisados 153 membros inferiores de 118 pacientes de um hospital referência, submetidos a termoablação com laser endovenoso 1470 nm sob anestesia local para o tratamento de insuficiência venosa crônica. Foi calculada a LEED média dos pacientes tratados para determinar se foi necessária uma energia maior que a média para o sucesso do tratamento. Resultados Dos 153 membros inferiores submetidos ao tratamento, houve diferença significativa (p = 0,021) no fechamento da junção safeno-femoral relacionada à LEED média utilizada acima do joelho. Por outro lado, no segmento de coxa não houve diferença significativa. Conclusões A LEED acima da média de 70,57 J/cm apresentou um índice maior de fechamento na junção safeno-femoral. Porém, no segmento de coxa, a densidade não influenciou o resultado, demonstrando que uma energia mais alta do que 70,57 J/cm tende a não ser necessária para o tratamento desse segmento

It is relevant to elucidate the influence that mean linear endovenous energy density (LEED) has on the success of endovenous laser ablation treatment for chronic venous insufficiency, in order to reduce the method's adverse effects. Objectives To evaluate the influence of mean LEED on the prevalence of saphenous closure 30 days after the laser ablation procedure. Methods 153 lower limbs from 118 patients seen at a tertiary hospital and treated for chronic venous insufficiency with endovenous 1470 nm laser ablation under local anesthesia were evaluated. The mean LEED used to treat patients was calculated to determine whether greater than average LEED was required for treatment success. Results A significant difference (p = 0.021) in saphenofemoral junction closure was associated with mean LEED used above the knee. Conversely, there was no significant difference in the thigh segment. Conclusions Linear intravenous energy density greater than the mean of 70.57 J/cm was associated with a higher rate of closure at the saphenofemoral junction. However, density did not have an influence on the result for the thigh segment, showing that an energy density exceeding 70.57 J/cm tends not to be required for treatment of this segment

Humans , Male , Female , Saphenous Vein , Vascular Surgical Procedures/methods , Venous Insufficiency/therapy , Laser Therapy/methods , Varicose Veins , Body Mass Index , Chronic Disease , Retrospective Studies , Analysis of Variance , Ultrasonography, Doppler/methods , Lower Extremity
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 17(2): eAO4526, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001911


ABSTRACT Objective: To compare the use of the radiofrequency thermoablation of the saphenous vein with the ligation technique, and complete removal of the saphenous vein, from the saphenofemoral junction to the ankle. Methods: A total of 49 patients with chronic venous disease in the Comprehensive Classification System for Chronic Venous Disorders (CEAP) classes 2 to 4 for clinical signs, etiology, anatomic distribution and pathophysiology, were assessed at baseline, after 4 weeks, and after 1 year. The parameters assessed were complications, period of absence from activities, Venous Clinical Severity Score (VCSS) and quality of life scores according to Aberdeen Varicose Veins Questionnaire (AVVQ). They were re-examined 1 and 3 years after treatment to evaluate recurrence rates. Results: The success rate per limb (p=0.540), VCSS (p=0.636), AVVQ (p=0.163), and clinical complications were similar in the two treatment groups. Nevertheless, the radiofrequency thermoablation group had significant shorter length of hospital stay (0.69±0.47) and absence from activities (8.62±4.53), p<000.1. Conclusion: Patients submitted to radiofrequency thermoablation had an occlusion rate, clinical recurrence and improvement in quality of life comparable to removal of the saphenous vein. However, these patients spent less time hospitalized and away from their daily activities during recovering.

RESUMO Objetivo: Comparar o uso da termoablação por radiofrequência da veia safena com a técnica de ligação e retirada completa da veia safena da junção safeno-femoral ao tornozelo. Métodos: Foram avaliados 49 pacientes com doença venosa crônica nas categorias 2 a 4 (Comprehensive Classification System for Chronic Venous Disorders − CEAP) para classificação clínica, etiológica, anatômica e fisiopatológica, no início do estudo, 4 semanas e 1 ano após o procedimento. Os parâmetros analisados foram complicações, período de ausência de atividades,(Venous Clinical Severity) Score revisado (R-VCSS) e escore de qualidade de vida de acordo com o Aberdeen Varicose Veins Questionnaire(AVVQ). Os pacientes foram reexaminados 1 e 3 anos após o tratamento, para avaliar as taxas de recorrência. Resultados: As taxas de sucesso por membro (p=0,540), VCSS (p=0,636), AVVQ (p=0,163) e complicações clínicas foram semelhantes nos dois grupos. No entanto, o grupo termoablação por radiofrequência teve períodos de internação significativamente mais curtos (0,69±0,47) e ausência de atividades (8,62±4,53), com p<000,1. Conclusão: Pacientes submetidos à termoablação por radiofrequência apresentaram taxa de oclusão, recidiva clínica e melhora da qualidade de vida comparáveis à retirada completa da veia safena. No entanto, esses pacientes passaram menos tempo internados e ausentes de suas atividades diárias durante a recuperação.

Middle Aged , Saphenous Vein/surgery , Vascular Diseases/surgery , Radiofrequency Ablation/methods , Postoperative Period , Quality of Life , Recurrence , Saphenous Vein/diagnostic imaging , Time Factors , Vascular Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Severity of Illness Index , Chronic Disease , Prospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment Outcome , Ultrasonography, Doppler, Color , Absenteeism , Length of Stay , Ligation/methods
J. vasc. bras ; 18: e20180099, 2019. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-984686


There is considerable debate in the literature with relation to the best method to treat patients with chronic venous disease (CVD). CHIVA is an office-based treatment for varicose veins performed under local anesthesia. The aim of the technique is to lower transmural pressure in the superficial venous system and avoid destruction of veins. Recurrence of varicosities, nerve damage, bruising and suboptimal aesthetic results are common to all treatments for the disease. This paper evaluates and discusses the characteristics and results of the CHIVA technique. We conclude that CHIVA is a viable alternative to common procedures that is associated with less bruising, nerve damage, and recurrence than stripping saphenectomy. The main advantages are preservation of the saphenous vein, local anesthesia, low recurrence rates, low cost, low pain, and no nerve damage. The major disadvantages are the learning curve and the need to train the team in venous hemodynamics

Existe uma grande discussão na literatura sobre o tratamento da doença venosa crônica (DVC). A cura conservadora e hemodinâmica da insuficiência venosa em ambulatório (CHIVA) consiste no tratamento ambulatorial de varizes sob anestesia local. O objetivo da técnica é diminuir a pressão transmural no sistema venoso superficial para evitar a destruição das veias, incluindo as veias safenas. Recorrência de varizes, lesão de nervos, hematomas e resultado estético abaixo do ideal são uma constante em todos tratamentos de varizes. O objetivo desta revisão é avaliar e discutir a técnica CHIVA quanto a suas características e resultados. A CHIVA é uma alternativa válida frente aos outros procedimentos, apresentando menos hematomas, recorrência e lesão nervosa que a safenectomia. Preservação da veia safena, anestesia local, baixa taxa de recorrências, baixo custo, pouca dor e ausência de lesões nervosas são as principais vantagens. A longa curva de aprendizado para treinar a equipe em hemodinâmica venosa é a principal desvantagem

Saphenous Vein , Venous Insufficiency/therapy , Varicose Veins , Cost-Benefit Analysis/methods , Ablation Techniques , Learning Curve , Ambulatory Care/methods , Hemodynamics
J. vasc. bras ; 18: e20180077, 2019. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-976020


CHIVA (Cure Conservatrice et Hemodynamique de l'Insufficience Veineuse en Ambulatoire) is a type of operation for varicose veins that avoids destroying the saphenous vein and collaterals. We report a case of CHIVA treatment of two saphenous veins to spare these veins. The patient previously had a normal great saphenous vein stripped in error in a wrong-site surgery, while two saphenous veins that did have reflux were not operated. The patient was symptomatic and we performed a CHIVA operation on the left great and right small saphenous veins. The postoperative period was uneventful and both aesthetic and clinical results were satisfactory. This case illustrates that saphenous-sparing procedures can play an important role in treatment of chronic venous insufficiency. Additionally, most safe surgery protocols do not adequately cover varicose veins operations. Routine use of duplex scanning by the surgical team could prevent problems related to the operation site

Cure conservatrice et hemodynamique de l'insufficience veineuse en ambulatoire (CHIVA) é um tipo de cirurgia de varizes que evita a destruição da veia safena e colaterais. Este relato apresenta uma paciente que foi submetida a CHIVA em duas safenas para poupá-las. A paciente teve uma safena magna normal retirada em uma cirurgia no sítio cirúrgico errado, as safenas com refluxo foram mantidas, e uma normal foi ressecada. A paciente estava sintomática e foi realizada CHIVA na safena parva direita e na magna esquerda. O pós-operatório transcorreu bem com resultado clínico e estético satisfatório. Esse caso mostra que cirurgias que poupam a safena têm papel importante no tratamento da insuficiência venosa crônica. Além disso, os protocolos de cirurgia segura não cobrem adequadamente as cirurgias de varizes devido a duas safenas possíveis e por serem frequentemente cirurgias bilaterais. A realização de eco-Doppler rotineiramente pela equipe cirúrgica pode prevenir problemas relacionados ao sítio operatório

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Saphenous Vein/surgery , Venous Insufficiency/therapy , Varicose Veins/surgery , Vascular Surgical Procedures/methods , Echocardiography, Doppler/methods , Treatment Outcome , Lower Extremity